Why Major in Linguistics?
Linguistics encompasses a vast range of sub-disciplines and research. Linguists study everything from language learning, to discourse structure, to artificial intelligence, and beyond. Linguists have also become critical members of the modern workforce, employing language skills in a variety of sectors, including communications, technology, and government. To learn more about how you can use your linguistics degree in your career, visit our careers page.
If you would like to learn more about linguistics as a discipline, the Linguistic Society of America has lots of information about the field, including resources for potential linguistics students.
Studying linguistics at Georgetown
Students gravitate to our department for a variety of reasons, each emerging with different takeaways and experiences.
Read undergraduate testimonialsChallenging students to explore
Our classes prioritize rigorous academic study, while leaving room for creative exploration in research.
See our learning goalsLearn more about our department
Our community is happy to answer any questions, whether in regards to linguistics as a discipline, or how to register for classes.
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