Linguistics Career Series & Career Mixers

The Career Talk series invites linguists–many of whom are Georgetown alumni–who work in private industry, federal government, not-for-profit and tech organizations to speak about their personal career path as well as to introduce opportunities for linguists in different sectors of employment. Talks include narratives of how speakers made the transition from coursework to career, strategies for career management, and information on how speakers apply their linguistic training in their work. 

Career talks take place at 3:30 pm on Fridays in Poulton 230 and on Zoom. For more information about the career events and access to Zoom registration and recording links, please refer to this flyer. This series is an integral part of Georgetown Linguistics comprehensive career discernment and management curriculum. Contact: Alexandra Johnston, PhD, Director, Master’s Programs & Career Management.

Fall 2024 – Spring 2025

Oct 11. Linguists in naming & branding + naming workshop. Laurel Sutton, Sutton Strategies.

Nov 22. Ethical artificial intelligence & risk assessment. Reva Schwartz, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

WED March 12, 5:00-7:00. Annual Linguistics Career Mixer featuring linguists from the Washington, DC, area who work in business, government, nonprofit and tech.

March 28 3:30-5:30. Annual Linguistics Career Mixer (virtual version on featuring linguistics around the US who work in business, government, nonprofit and tech.

Spring 2024

Jan. 29 – Panel discussion: Find your summer internship. Featuring: Victoria Becker (MLC 2022), Valentina Michelotti (MLC 2021), Nicole Rybak (MLC 2023), Ulie Xu (MS-CLI 2023) and Allie Zaleski (MLC 2026)

Feb. 23 – Daniel Ginsberg, PhD. Director, Strategic Initiatives, American Anthropological Association

April 3 – Annual Linguistics Career Mixer. Online on Gather. Featuring 23 linguists.

April 10 – Annual Linguistics Career Mixer. In person. Featuring 13 linguists.

Fall 2023

Sept. 8 – Francesca Venezia, PhD
Researcher, Mathematica

Oct. 6 – Alfonso Sánchez Moya, PhD
AI/ML Data Linguist, Amazon