
Proseminar is unique to the Department of Linguistics. The course is available to undergraduate and graduate students respectively, and helps students answer the question, ‘How can I apply my linguistics studies in a job or a career outside of academia?’ Proseminar introduces students to the wide range of jobs and internships that make use of their linguistic skill set, including careers in business, government, nonprofit, and tech organizations.

By the end of the semester, students will have identified their skills, abilities, interests, and values and know how and where to find job opportunities that may be a good fit. In addition to practicing presentation skills and mock interviewing, students leave with a professional portfolio that can be tailored to different job announcements. Students work on developing and tailoring an effective resume; creating a cover letter template; optimizing their professional digital presence on LinkedIn and personal brand websites, and curating narratives of achievement to use in networking and interview contexts. For undergraduate students, the course also explores whether a graduate degree–in linguistics or another discipline–is worth the time and money for the kind of career they want to pursue.