Undergraduate Research FAQ

Point of Contact

Prof.Jennifer Nycz, Director of Undergraduate Studies, jn621@georgetown.edu.

Philosophy of research

Research in Linguistics involves the analysis of empirical linguistic data with the aim of arriving at generalizations about what kinds of patterns are shared across linguistic varieties, and at developing theories to account for those generalizations. Some linguistics research is also more applied in nature, aiming to for example develop methods that are effective for language teaching/learning, or for using computational methods to better discern patterns in language.

How to get started

Linguistics majors are introduced to research in their Introduction to Language class, which involves a small research project.

How to get connected with a faculty mentor

Sometimes students ask professors they’ve had for relevant classes; sometimes they come to the DUS or their academic advisor for advice on who in the dept would be an appropriate mentor.

Earning credit for undergraduate research

Via RULE (LING 3930) and the thesis seminar (LING 4988).

Getting paid for research

On an ad hoc basis. Typically this is facilitated by students speaking to a relevant professor and demonstrating their skills in a class context.

Thesis or capstone research

Students conduct research for their thesis seminar.