Dept. of Linguistics welcomes Prof. Ruth Wodak as the Royden B. Davis, S.J., Chair in Interdisciplinary Studies for Spring 2014
Georgetown College, the undergraduate school of arts and sciences at Georgetown University, announced that Professor Ruth Wodak will join Georgetown’s Department of Linguistics as the Royden B. Davis, S.J., Chair in Interdisciplinary Studies for the Spring 2014 academic semester. Wodak comes to Georgetown from Lancaster University, UK, where she has been Distinguished Professor of Discourse Studies since 2004. Her research interests focus on discourse studies; gender studies; language and/in politics; prejudice and discrimination; and on ethnographic methods of linguistic fieldwork. She has published 8 monographs, 26 co-authored monographs, over 50 edited volumes and ca. 300 peer reviewed journal papers and book chapters. See for more information on her ongoing research projects and research publications. Professor Wodak will teach LING 367 Discourse, Politics & Identity in Spring 2014. Please join us in welcoming Professor Wodak to Georgetown!